Starbucks Around the World: Charlotte, NC

2012-12-18 17.05.48

Yes, the airport in Charlotte, NC gets a thumbs up, but it took a pair of Starbucks-es to make it happen.  In a layover en route to Gainsville, there had to be a coffee run (naturally). But our first stop had to have been the slowest Starbucks on the face of the planet.  I’m all about southern hospitality and taking your time, but not if you’re not going to talk to me and mess up my drink.  After receiving a not-so-hazelnut Hazelnut Misto, I made the decision to stop at another Starbucks about 50 yards further into the terminal.  THIS Starbucks was friendly, fast, apologetic, and didn’t ask any questions when I took my cup to the bar and asked for a new one.


p.s. You can possibly see that my weight is inflated in this picture.  Hey, you know, it was the holidays.  But fear not, the diet is back in order and 2013 is looking like the year Lauren goes to the beach without a mumu.  More on that later…